Day 23: dreamy #mbapr It does suggest a dream for me. The picture is that of Col d’Ispeguy (Izpegiko Lepoa in Basque), in Saint Etienne de Baigorri, Navarre. The picture is taken from the French part. The fog is coming up from the Spanish part, Baztan. It’s the heart of the country of the Basques. It’s where I dream of retiring.

Rolling green hills under a clear blue sky, with a wisp of cloud hovering in a valley.
Spanish: Colinas verdes onduladas bajo un cielo azul claro, con un hilillo de nube flotando en un valle.
Basque: Berde koloreko muino malkartsuak zeru urdin argiaren azpian, laino pirt bat ibarra batean flotatzen.

Day 22: blue #mbapr

A narrow alley between white buildings leads directly to the sea under a bright sky.
Spanish: Un estrecho callejón entre edificios blancos conduce directamente al mar bajo un cielo luminoso.
Basque: Kale estu bat eraikin zuri artean zehar zuzenean itsasoraino doa zeru argi baten azpian.

Day 21: mountain #mbapr as suggested by @dejus

This is mount Udalaitz, in my hometown Arrasate (Basque Country). Behind her is mount Anboto.

A jagged mountain peak rises above a forested valley under a clear blue sky.
Spanish: Un pico montañoso dentado se eleva sobre un valle boscoso bajo un cielo azul claro.
Basque: Harri-zorrotz mendi-gailur bat ageri da baso estalitako haranaren gainetik zeru urdin argi baten azpian.

🚀 Shortery - The Missing Mac Automator | App Addict

  • Launch my five "morning apps" at 4am so that my computer is ready to use when I wake up
  • Automatically eject my backup drive every morning so that all I have to do is unplug it from my laptop

These two things alone justify 9,99€ no doubt.

Gulf of Biscay. Mutriku, Ondarroa, Lekeitio, Ogoño, Matxitxako.

A panoramic seascape with rolling hills and scattered buildings under a partly cloudy sky.
Spanish: Un paisaje marino panorámico con colinas onduladas y edificios dispersos bajo un cielo parcialmente nublado.
Basque: Itsasertz panoramikoa, muino ondulatuekin eta eraikin sakabanatuekin zeru partzialki hodeitsuan.

Day 20: ice #mbapr

A Negroni with ice sits in a short glass on a reflective surface.
Spanish: Un Negroni con hielo está en un vaso bajo sobre una superficie reflectante.
Basque: Negroni bat izotzekin edalontzi batean dago, islatzen duen gainazal batean.

🚀 The End of an Era: Women Who Code Closing - Women Who Code

To the women in technology, if you have been inspired, made a career connection, leveled up your technical skills, or expanded your network through this movement, we encourage you to keep paying that forward. The world needs women and diverse perspectives at the helm of tech as a critical force that shapes our world every day. Please, keep going.

Please do. It’s so true that we, the collective we, need you.

Day 19: birthday #mbapr

A birthday table is set with decorations, favors, and blue balloons in a home interior; a banner reads ZORIONAK, congratulations in Basque.

Day 17: transcendence #mbapr

Bordeaux cathedral

🚀 A comment on comments – Manu

Someone asked me about my stance on not having comments on my blog. I’m not a fan of comments in general and I think commenting on something should be done in one of two ways:

  1. Privately via email or via direct messaging
  2. Publicly by posting a reply on your own website

I like seeing a comments thread in a post of mine, but publicly posting a reply in one’s own website makes a lot of sense, too. So here’s my shout out to Manu.

Day 16: flâneur #mbapr This one was tough @chrisaldrich this is the closest thing I could come up with. Wandering dude watching life pass by.

Day 15: small? #mbapr

A waxing gibbous moon floats above an art deco building against a clear blue sky during twilight.
Spanish: Una luna gibosa creciente flota sobre un edificio art deco contra un cielo azul claro durante el crepúsculo.
Basque: Ilargi gibosoa hazten ari dena flotatzen dago art deco eraikin baten gainean zeru urdin argiaren kontra ilunabarrean.

Day 14: cactus #mbapr

Gymnocalycium pflanzii, according to the iPhone’s smart info thingy.

A green cactus with long red spines sits in a black pot on a red surface, among other potted plants.
Spanish: Un cactus verde con largas espinas rojas está en una maceta negra sobre una superficie roja, rodeado de otras plantas en macetas.
Basque: Espina gorri luzeak dituen kaktus berde bat beltzeko ontzi batean dago, beste landare batzuekin ontzietan, gainazal gorri baten gainean.

Day 13: page #mbapr

One of the best first pages I’ve ever read in a book. Contra Florencia by Mario Colleoni. Translation in the page picture’s Alt text.

Two books lie on a wooden surface, one titled Contra Florencia by Mario Colleoni, overlapping another titled La historia del arte by H. Gombrich.
Spanish: Dos libros están sobre una superficie de madera, uno titulado Contra Florencia de Mario Colleoni, sobre otro titulado La historia del arte de H. Gombrich.
Basque: Bi liburu egur gainean daude, bat Contra Florencia izenburua duena Mario Colleonirenak, beste bat La historia del arte izenburukoa H. Gombrichek egina, gainean jarririk. An ordinary day, without pretensions, I made the decision to abandon myself to the benefit of a good walk, looking for, as Christian Bobin would, what the day needs to be a day: a little joy. A kind afternoon shored up the last hours of light, accompanied by a temperate sun, peaceful as that sweet and kind stone, so local, so own, which here they call serene. Voluntary prey of chance, open in my imagination to any adventure, I let myself fall through the neighborhood of Ognissanti, a place traditionally inhabited by artists. As the shops were closed, I took the opportunity to climb to the windows of all the premises, the cafes and the antique shops that I saw, that there are dozens of them here and they are all of extraordinary quality. In the meantime, I saw some remarkable piece and wandered following the orthogonal line of an imaginary axis, block after block, bend after bend, until suddenly I turned into Via Borgo Ognissanti, I raised my head as if memory could interpret the sky and I remembered that, in one of the many boutiques that dot this street, on November 29, 1913 a man named Alfredo Geri received a franked telegram from Paris.

Day 12: magic #mbapr

A bit late but I didn’t want to miss yesterday’s challenge.

A young child sits inside a large gift box, looking at the camera, in a homely room with wooden flooring.
Spanish: Un niño pequeño se sienta dentro de una caja de regalo grande, mirando a la cámara, en una habitación acogedora con suelo de madera.
Basque: Haur txiki bat opari-kutxa handi baten barruan eserita dago, kamera begiratzen, egurrezko zorua duen etxe-giroko gelan.

I felt hopeless because I want to get rid of YouTube but I really like watching videos while I’m having breakfast or a #SadDeskLunch and suddenly I remembered Nebula, which I had not visited in a long time. I’m happy now.

Day 11: Sky #mbapr

A bird flies by a white chimney with the faint moon in the clear blue sky behind.
Spanish: Un pájaro vuela junto a una chimenea blanca con la tenue luna en el cielo azul claro detrás.
Basque: Hegazti bat hegaldatzen da tximinia zuria ondoan, ilargi lausoa atzealdeko zeru urdin argian.

I love the Tufte theme for, by @pimoore. Absolutely love it, with its sidenotes, side figures… It’s beautiful. Thanks, man.…

my timeline has been frozen for hours and my posts don’t show anywhere. something’s wrong.

Day 10: train as suggested by [@starrwulfe]( #mbapr

I can’t believe I don’t have one single picture related to trains. Not even remotely. And I commute everyday by train. So today’s a miss.