I like Micro.blog because I was about to make a cynical remark but I thought that a nice place with nice people doesn’t deserve any toxic content.

I’m a long time Overcast user and, while deciding whether to subscribe to its Pro features or not, and trying other apps like Castro, I am giving a go to the Apple Podcasts app. I’m confused. It has every feature I need and then some. Am I wrong? Is it actually good enough? I think it is.

This is a universal truth. It feels so good to throw some ass. I did forget my age two weeks ago in Malaga, and does it feel good to dance and dance and dance.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the great, the astonishing, the pure joy of Sofi Tukker.

Good night.

🔗 Bill Clinton on my podcast feed

I’m listening to Dave Winer’s podcast0 feed. I don’t really know why I’m listening to a 60 minutes program on Bill Clinton, from 2004, no less. But I feel like I’m in a time machine. So cool.

It’s raining cats and dogs in Bilbao right now. And I swear to you we’re not eating them, JD.

For some weird reason, the Shortcut that works perfectly in iOS, grabs the text from TOT and publishes it without a hitch, does not work in the Mac. It just freezes. Both TOT and the Shortcut are identical in both systems. And the Shortcut itself works in the Mac, I’m using it right now. Who knows.

This is where we are right now. – @culturaloffering in Tumblr

Posting to my blog via TOT by The Icon Factory and a Shortcut

Oh, yes. Jon Batiste and Sofi Tucker1 together. Crank up that volume.

  1. Tukker, mon Dieu↩︎

Everybody around me thinks I’m an extrovert. If only they knew it’s taken my whole life to learn how to fake it.

I needed some time this past weekend, to gather my thoughts and reflect on the upcoming weeks. It didn’t happen.

I feel like the Ghost of Clarence.

Tomorrow in the battle think on me, And fall thy edgeless sword. Despair and die!

Richard III. Act 5, scene 3.

I want to try the YouTube Embed Shortcode Plugin, and I think Winton Marsalis and Jon Batiste will make a nice present for a Sunday morning. Hope it works.

🔗 Michael Craig-Martin @ the Royal Academy | Books & Boots

As we’ve mentioned a number of times, right from the start of his career Craig-Martin has been interested in domestic objects which can also be seen as ‘ready-mades’. Ready-made was a term invented by Marcel Duchamp way back before the First World War for his habit of finding intriguing looking objects and simply placing them in art displays and calling them art. The most famous is the white porcelain urinal but there were others, wine racks and bicycle seats and whatnot.

Here, near the end of the show, are a set of works paying hommage to Duchamp and to his other inspiration, Andy Warhol, him of the soup cans and coke bottles. Both predecessors in finding immense beauty in carefully designed but mass produced everyday objects.

I have to admit I did not know about Michael Craig-Waters. But this thorough article about his retrospective at the Royal Academy has been a joy to read and see. Nice discovery.

🔗 Keysmith - Record Automation Macros With Ease | AppAddict

Keysmith is an automation app that works in any other app on your Mac to record actions you can later trigger from a menu or with a keyboard shortcut. I've been a Keyboard Maestro user for many years. I have over 800 macros within that application and a lot of experience using it, but after working with Keysmith for just a short while, I have to admit it makes some actions easier to record and activate. It's not a replacement for Keyboard Maestro, but it will certainly supplement it.

Another nice find by Lou. You’ll never have enough automation apps. And being part of Setapp, it’s already fully available for me.

🔗 Scripting News: The web lives in WordPress and Mastodon

  • But today I had a different assignment. Instead of tweeting, I wrote a few wordpress/mastodon posts, a new hybrid, a medium that I may well be the first person to explore, to do actual writing in. […]
  • Like I said the other day, I doubt if Automattic knows what they have. I seriously doubt it. But in a few years, we're going to look back on this as the moment when Twitter stopped controlling our writing, as they have since 2006. #
  • No more character limits. Posts can have titles, or not. We can use links, as many as we like. Styling works. We can edit our posts. And the really big payoff, I can use a writing tool I love and you can use a tool you love and they work together perfectly well. And if one day you feel like using mine, and I feel like using yours, it just works. So in one step, we turn the clock back to 1994, when the web had all the features a writer could want.

In Spain, when somebody finds out about something that’s actually widely known for others, we say “look at the guy, he just discovered America”.

I agree that times are exciting and we”re taking the web back from Twitter and the like, but we”ve been doing this in micro.blog for years now, man.

My wife did take me out for dinner last night but it turned out to be an intervention, a wake up call. I am spending more and more hours at work, resulting in less and less time spent with her. I need to take this seriously. I seem to be unable to build a team and handle my work better. I really need to do it, it’s already a matter of survival.

Hello from My Micro.thoughts, Bluesky and Threads. Just trying to see if cross-posting works, because I’m actually thinking about doing it manually and seldomly.

My wife just accepted my last minute invitation to go out for dinner. So everything’s marvelous.

I usually have Friday evenings and Saturdays free. I always work on Sundays, prepping the week and, very often, working on something that I left behind. This week, though, I’m leaving the office at 19:30 on a Friday and I have work to do tomorrow, too. So no room for rest this week. I never thought I’d say this, but the gym (two hours a week for the last three months; never worked out before for 50 years) is keeping me sane. I can breath, I feel a bit of strength in my muscles and I feel I can get a hold of myself. Mens sana.

Ok, so this is the new blogging plan (until I come up with the next random idea).

My micro.thoughts (here at social.estebantxo.com) should be for quick posts, short comments, quotes from other people and other ephemeral stuff, very much like publishing in Mastodon, Bluesky and the like.

Say What (naming under review, at blog.estebantxo.com) will be for longer posts, preferably proper pieces of writing, with a topic, a structure, and some edition and review. They should aspire to last longer and still be a valid text some time after being published.

So a blog for thoughtful writing and correspondence, and a socialplace for ephemeral ideas and interactions.

We’ll see how it goes.