I guess a growing number of us feel this way.

I am beginning to feel squeezed for every penny, increasing prices of phones, services, and everything they can. Limiting features to the US and generally behaving like a petulant child when they have to comply with laws that protect users.


This is what I wrote:

I should go back to blogging and interacting with people in social media. I am not even reading my RSS feeds. Somebody told me that if I wanted to go analog I should go all in and I really took it to heart. I am reading more and writing more for myself and overall I am much less stressed than I used to be, but I miss the web. Or do I? I’m not even sure.

And this is MS Copilot’s version. Prompt: Rewrite this and clean it up.

I’ve been considering a return to blogging and engaging with others on social media, as I’ve neglected my RSS feeds lately. A friend suggested that if I truly wanted to embrace an analog lifestyle, I should commit fully, and I’ve taken that advice seriously. Now, I find myself reading and writing more for personal enjoyment, which has significantly reduced my stress levels. However, there’s a part of me that longs for the connection the internet provides. Yet, I’m torn, unsure if that’s truly what I miss.

Almog, Andrey, Shlomi and Noa, welcome home.

I hesitate about building a Now page because I have the feeling that I’ve been in the same state for the last twenty years (trying to keep up with my job) and I’m afraid a Now page is going to make it evident.

I read about a feature in Bluesky that lets you share a mute-list,with accounts that, for some particular reason, someone doesn’t want to read. One can subscribe to that kind of list and mute that people too. It’s the last thing I’d want for myself. I want to be exposed to views different from mine.

Day 30++: unputdownable #mbapr I have a few other watches and I always come back to this one.

A digital wristwatch displays time on a person's arm, with a background hinting at a casual indoor setting.
Spanish: Un reloj digital muestra la hora en el brazo de una persona, con un fondo que insinúa un ambiente interior informal.
Basque: Erloju digital batek denbora erakusten du pertsona baten besoan, atzealdea lasai barrualdeko giroa iradokitzen duena.

Day 30+: bubble #mbapr This is Amaiur, my vacation bubble. There’s bubbles in the beer, too.

A plate of cheese and bread with a beer bottle and glass sits on an outdoor table, traditional stone houses against a backdrop of green hills and a blue sky.
Spanish: Un plato de queso y pan con una botella de cerveza y vaso están sobre una mesa al aire libre, casas de piedra tradicionales contra un telón de fondo de colinas verdes y cielo azul.
Basque: Gazta eta ogi plater bat garagardo botila eta begikoa mahai baten gainean dago, atzean etxe harritsu tradizionalak, berde koloreko muinoak eta zeru urdin bat dituela.

Thank you for so much joy. Sid tibi terra levis.

Auto-generated description: A black-and-white portrait features Paul Auster with intense gaze and a distinguished, slightly furrowed expression, having prominent facial lines and slicked-back hair, dressed in what appears to be a sweater with a collared shirt underneath.

Something good can be said about my new digital habits when I find out about an Apple event on new iPads after it has happened, and I don’t feel like missing anything out.

Update: Oh, it’s not this Tuesday, it’s next Tuesday. All right, still don’t care.

Day 30: hometown #mbapr

This is the town I now live in, not actually my hometown. But I don’t have a proper one and I wanted to show you this picture.

Sun with halo phenomenon over the sea, flanked by two faint sun dogs, at coastline during twilight.
Spanish: Sol con fenómeno de halo sobre el mar, flanqueado por dos parhelios tenues, en la costa durante el crepúsculo.
Basque: Eguzkia halo fenomenoarekin itsasoaren gainean, bi izpi ahul albo batean, kostaldean ilunabarrean.

Day 29: drift #mbapr

This is the closest I’ve got in my photo roll.

Day 28: Community #mbapr I hope the Rubik cubes are visible. It’s a picture of children gathered around a puzzle shop to play with Rubik cubes. They ended up creating a mosaic with a thousand cubes.

Children gather in a cobblestone street, some playing with Rubik's Cubes, outside a puzzle shop in a quaint town setting.
Spanish: Niños y niñas reunidas en una calle empedrada, algunas jugando con Cubos de Rubik, frente a una tienda de rompecabezas en un entorno pintoresco de pueblo.
Basque: Haurrak bildu dira harrizko kale batean, batzuk Rubik kuboekin jolasten, herriko inguru xarmagarri batean dagoen puzzle denda baten kanpoaldean.

Ok so, if I understand this correctly, if I crosspost from Micro.blog to Bluesky, replies from Bluesky show up in the Micro.blog timeline, but my reply to that reply does not show up in Bluesky. Is that correct, @manton ? I guess it’s because Bluesky is not fully ActivityPub?

My wife and I enjoyed a beautiful day at the 20th Collection Plant Exhibition, in the natural park of Pagoeta (Basque Country).

Day 27: surprise #mbapr

A smiling child holds up multiple colorful markers playfully arranged around their face, in a white-tiled room.
Spanish: Un niño sonriente sostiene múltiples marcadores de colores, dispuestos de forma juguetona alrededor de su rostro, en una habitación con azulejos blancos.
Basque: Aurpegian koloretsuak diren hainbat markatzaile jolasean antolatuta dituen haur irribarretsu bat, zurezko gelan.

In the movie Now You See Me 2, Woody Harrelson plays two characters: a magician and his twin brother. I really think the twin’s persona is a histrionic version of Matthew McConaughey.

Bad guys in movies always have windows surface laptops.

Day 26: Yes, we are going to stand here staring at you like dumb critters, you stupid dog. #mbapr

A dog faces a flock of sheep on a grassy hillside, suggesting a herding scenario.
Spanish: Un perro enfrenta a un rebaño de ovejas en una ladera herbosa, sugiriendo una escena de pastoreo.
Basque: Txakur batek ardi talde bati aurre egiten dio belardia dagoen maldan, artzaintza eszena bat iradokitzen duena.

Day 25: spines a few. #mbapr

A tilted close-up of various books on a shelf, showcasing spines with titles and authors.
Spanish: Primer plano inclinado de varios libros en un estante, mostrando lomos con títulos y autores.
Basque: Hainbat libururen bizkarren planoa, izenburuak eta autoreak erakusten, apalategian.

Day 24: light #mbapr

A double rainbow arches over a harbor with moored sailboats, industrial equipment, and distant hills.
Spanish: Un doble arcoíris se extiende sobre un puerto con veleros amarrados, equipos industriales y colinas lejanas.
Basque: Halabehar bikoitz bat portu batean zehar makurtzen da, itsasontzi bela itsasontziak, ekipamendu industrialak eta urrutiko muinoak dituela.