đź”— Scripting News: The web lives in WordPress and Mastodon

  • But today I had a different assignment. Instead of tweeting, I wrote a few wordpress/mastodon posts, a new hybrid, a medium that I may well be the first person to explore, to do actual writing in. […]
  • Like I said the other day, I doubt if Automattic knows what they have. I seriously doubt it. But in a few years, we're going to look back on this as the moment when Twitter stopped controlling our writing, as they have since 2006. #
  • No more character limits. Posts can have titles, or not. We can use links, as many as we like. Styling works. We can edit our posts. And the really big payoff, I can use a writing tool I love and you can use a tool you love and they work together perfectly well. And if one day you feel like using mine, and I feel like using yours, it just works. So in one step, we turn the clock back to 1994, when the web had all the features a writer could want.

In Spain, when somebody finds out about something that’s actually widely known for others, we say “look at the guy, he just discovered America”.

I agree that times are exciting and we”re taking the web back from Twitter and the like, but we”ve been doing this in micro.blog for years now, man.