πŸ”— Doing dumb stuff faster is still dumb - annie's blog

This about customer support by @annie is so true.

The goal of customer communication is twofold:
  1. Solve the problem and, along the way,

  2. Educate the customer.

If you do customer communication well, the same customer won’t ever have to seek support for the same problem again, because while you solved their problem, you also taught them how to solve it or how to avoid creating it. (There are some exceptions, of course.)

In my line of work, the most important task, at least from my point of view, has always been to carefully explain the obscure parts of the law to my clients, so that they can understand the bottom line of their legal issues and they can learn how to solve and avoid them.

This has to be done on a one-to-one, personal and customized communication basis.