🔗 FreeTube - Maybe the Most Underrated App | AppAddict

FreeTube is a privacy lover's dream, using no trackers and allowing you to subscribe to your favorite channels without an account. All user data is stored on your machine and is never sent to or stored on the Internet. The data for videos is either scraped or obtained through the Invidious API. The interface is similar to YouTube and easy enough for a child to use. FreeTube is open source and THERE ARE NO ADS. You can even download videos using a one-button interface. You can create playlists and lists of favorites. I honestly do not know why this app isn't more well known.

I had saved this article by [@amerpie](https://micro.blog/amerpie) about MacTube but the real gem was at the bottom of his post, where he mentions another app called FreeTube.

I am enjoying FreeTube so much. It’s like the dream YouTube come true. No ads, no registration, no algorithm messing my subscription’s timeline, a customizable interface…

Thank you, Lou, thank you so much.