Day 23: dreamy #mbapr It does suggest a dream for me. The picture is that of Col d’Ispeguy (Izpegiko Lepoa in Basque), in Saint Etienne de Baigorri, Navarre. The picture is taken from the French part. The fog is coming up from the Spanish part, Baztan. It’s the heart of the country of the Basques. It’s where I dream of retiring.

Rolling green hills under a clear blue sky, with a wisp of cloud hovering in a valley.
Spanish: Colinas verdes onduladas bajo un cielo azul claro, con un hilillo de nube flotando en un valle.
Basque: Berde koloreko muino malkartsuak zeru urdin argiaren azpian, laino pirt bat ibarra batean flotatzen.