I love it when I see that posts in the micro.blog timeline update automatically after editing a title or a post in the blog. I had a terrible typo in the title of my last post (Sierra for Serra), saw it and fixed it in Mars Edit, and the timeline updated itself. 😊👏

My son asked me what I was watching. I paused the video and showed him a still picture of Rick Grimes, in the third episode of the long awaited TWD The Ones Who Live. He did not recognize him. He’s watched Breaking Bad three times and I really thought he would recognize Rick in a whim. I am thinking about my will now, I need to find a Notary. There’s no other way to deal with this. #thoughts

Best sauce ever

I just found out that two full spoons of mayonnaise with a pinch Harissa make the best spicy sauce for a sandwich. And I’m so happy having dinner.

A tin of 'Harissa du Cap Bon' stands open, revealing its spicy red contents, set against a white background.
Spanish: Una lata de 'Harissa du Cap Bon' está abierta, mostrando su contenido rojo picante, sobre un fondo blanco.
Basque: 'Harissa du Cap Bon'eko lata bat irekita dago, bere eduki gorri minak erakutsiz, zuri koloreko atzealdean.

🚀 I’ve said it many times on this … | David Johnson

I’ve said it many times on this blog…in essence to myself…that not doing something will not get it done.

This time I will add that the satisfaction of getting that something done is enormous. To see it in the rear view mirror as opposed to constantly looming over me.

This is the soundtrack of my life. The first part is playing right now, actually.


Back to estebantxo.micro.blog

Yesterday I was warned by @pratik that sometimes my site is not available at all. It used to happen with umerez.eu and I always blamed the different tweaks I made in templates and plug-ins without really knowing what I was doing. I want to keep this blog as clean and simple as possible so I went to a basic theme without custom templates. And the last step is to get rid of the custom domain too, in case it is the culprit of any issue that prevents the site from being light and simple. So I’m back to estebantxo.micro.blog.

You gotta give it to Johnny Walker Red Label. It’s a fine whisky after the third glass.

I finished rewatching Game Of Thrones' first season. I enjoyed it and caught a lot of nuances I wasn’t aware of when I first watched it.

🚀 Growth is a mind cancer – Manu

But it's our fault. Our as a society. We celebrate when Apple becomes the first trillion-dollar company but we don't celebrate when someone says "You know what? I think I have enough".

The people I admire the most are the ones that have the courage to say I’ve had enough. #thoughts

A shortcut to rule them all

I posted a short video showcasing my All In One Shortcut menu that I place in my dock and use constantly.

It’s almost become my main interface with the iPhone. It starts with a Favorite shortcut menu when I put my most used actions (call wife, take a quick note, etc). That menu has a More… button that runs a more comprehensive menu that takes me to other choices.

I have menus for Home or Work related shortcuts, to choose from different countdown timers, to run Omnifocus actions, etc. Each of them, with the More… button, can take me to the main menu. Or I can cancel the loop. When I find the desired shortcut I just run it.

If I ever get en iPhone 15, this workflow will be placed in the hard action button. Meanwhile, it lives in the dock and gives me plenty of joy several times a day.



Is this going to show up in estebantxo.com? #geekery

Saturday evening with 1984 on the Kindle and Johnny Walker Red Label on the rocks. Cheap yet rewarding versions of things essential to a happy life.

So I installed RayCast to try a DEVONthink plug-in that looked promising, and I uninstalled it after two minutes. It was quite meh. The plug-in, I mean, and how it searched and managed groups and files within DT. And overall, RayCast is not a match for the File/Folder handling of LaunchBar. Instant Sending, moving, copying, renaming, batch processing… are handled much more conveniently in LaunchBar. I did not bother to look into any other features of RayCast: I guess I’m still a die hard LaunchBar user.

🚀 Spinning your wheels - annie mueller

Sometimes we get overloaded. Too much to process. And we need to, well, not force quit everything but maybe sit back in the chair and stare out the window and let the little circles spin. Maybe we can close down a few windows, lighten the load a bit. But mostly, it’s just being patient. Trusting that something is going on, that some kind of work is going on. It’s under the surface. It’s maybe not work that shows up as a produced item, a tangible result, a measurable change, an output of any kind. It’s more of the maintenance work, the de-gunking, the oil change, a little cleaning up and fine-tuning. And when it’s done, you’ll feel better. Clearer. And you’ll get back to it, whatever it is that’s waiting for you. It will still be there. If it’s not, don’t worry. You’ll find something else.

I am going through Annie’s posts. I like them a lot. This one resonated with me. This is what I need to do every so often: stop. Just stop and let the world spin as much as it wants. Get a hold of my own time and rhythm. Breath, slow down my pulse and own myself. #thoughts

My daughter making croquetas

My daughter will probably kill me if she finds out that I posted this photo. But I’m proud of her so I guess she will forgive my good intentions. She is making croquetas, following a recipe she asked from her grandmother, my mother.

She first made a bechamel sauce stuffed with small bits of jamón ibérico, Spanish ham cured in salt. Then she made small balls, coating them in wheat flower, egg and bread crumbs. She made around 80 of these croquetas.

She fried a dozen of them for our dinner and saved the rest in the freezer. Croquetas make a great appetizer for any nice family meal.

I love cooking. My children have always been quite lazy to help me in the kitchen, but it looks like they are finally finding their own way to basic survival skills. So I’m happy.

Picture of a teenager, my daughter, making croquetas in a kitchen.

Why I don’t write dev posts – Manu

🚀 Why I don’t write dev posts – Manu

The reason why I don’t write about dev stuff it’s because, like many others, I suffer from impostor syndrome. I’ve been working on the web for more than 12 years. I’m still convinced I don’t know shit. I scroll through minimal.gallery or OPL, see the work of all those great designers and developers, and reinforce this idea that there are, in fact, countless people out there who are better than me.

And that’s pretty much why I only write shitty and infrequent legal posts at umerez.eu.

🚀 Seven Days of New Things Day 2: Linear Algebra, Tulips | James' Coffee Blog

Linear Algebra

I think I am starting to enjoy maths (maybe).

Toward the end of high school, my maths classes were anxiety-inducing. Our teacher liked to ask people at random in the class what they thought was the answer to questions. At this time, I was not comfortable speaking out in front of the whole class. I always worried about whether my answer would be right, knowing there were people around me who would definitely know the answer. I was good at maths in the academic sense, but I, like many, encountered math as a subject strictly to learn rather than to be appreciated.

Yesterday and today, I started the 3Blue1Brown course on linear algebra, a topic in math that is the foundation of modern deep learning. I encounter terms like "matrix multiplication" and "vector" on an almost daily basis, but my understanding is grounded in their application or what they represent, not how they work. I want to change that and learn a bit more about the how behind linear algebra. What are the foundational operations? How do they work? How can I build a mental model to understand them?

James is doing a Seven Days Of New Things challenge and I’m enjoying the series a lot. #thoughts

Mastodon and the Fediverse is too noisy. Why?

🚀 Mastodon and the Fediverse is too noisy. Why?:

Micro.blog is the only Fediverse-compatible platform I know of which truly does away with likes, boosts, follower counts, and hashtags. I wish all social networks removed these pointless stats by default. Maybe offer an option to see them privately but I certainly don’t find the stats to be doing any good publicly. Micro.blog has but a single social component, a Mentions feed. It doesn’t care for any popularity contests, even if you go looking for it. This has made the local community warmer, better welcoming, and more human than other digital places I’ve been to.

And that’s exactly why I’m so happy in Micro.blog.

I wishI knew what to write tonight. My day has been terrible and I only want to go to bed.


I know, I know, modern computers don’t need rebooting and yours has been running without a hitch for months on end. But mine just said enough is enough, and started sabotaging my every key press and trackpad drag. So I had to teach it how dumb it actually is. I offered it a reboot, promptly said yes and now it’s serving at my pleasure again. #thoughts

Simona Halep is back!

🚀 Simona Halep’s ‘triumph of truth’ after doping ban significantly reduced | Simona Halep | The Guardian

“This ordeal has been a testament to resilience,” Halep wrote on Instagram. “The triumph of truth is a bittersweet vindication that, albeit delayed, is immensely gratifying.”

I’m so happy to know that she is back at last. Go Simona!

Simona Halep striking a tennis ball with her muscled right arm