You have to watch and listen Jon Batiste own Für Elise.

I got Slow Horses 4x06 for tonight and I’m happy.

What happened? My timeline seems to have frozen for a while. Anybody read this?

Hello, world. First micropost to My micro.thoughts aka

I’ve seen other examples and they have inspired me to make a blog for shorts posts and comments (à la Twitter, rest in peace), and a separate one for proper blogging (I still have to practice a lot to know what proper blogging really is, but I came here to learn). So I will use for longer posts with a title and other grown-up stuff, and My micro.thoughts for short bleeps.

You gotta love XKCD

Two of my favorite things in my digital life


William Gallagher and OmniFocus. This is going to be a good episode.

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 Scripting News: Monday, October 7, 2024

I'm hearing from people all over the world about what blogging means to them. I appreciate all of the messages, but would appreciate them even more if they were on your blog. We need to keep using the tech. Blogging is kind of lost, and I would like to see that change. Every time you post something you're proud of on a social media site, how about taking a moment and posting it to your blog too. And while there, if appropriate, link to something from some part of your post, even though the social media sites don't support linking, the web is still there and it still does. #

So here’s my 2 cents, since I’m enjoying so much this “new” 30 year old blog I just found. I’m not a blogger. I’m just a random guy that wants to have a small corner on the Internet and share my thoughts and chat with people from here. I really appreciate the people that take their time to write and share their insightful posts that I learn so much with.

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 Scripting News: What is a writing portal?

  • So far we've only created reading portals. What I want for myself and for you, is a writing portal. #
    • A reading portal brings a lot of writers together so you can read them all in one place.#
    • A writing portal is the same idea but in reverse. I write in my portal, and it flows where ever I want it to.#
  • The problem is the reading portals aren't open to allow this to work.#
  • They all want you to write in their tiny little text boxes.# is my writing portal. I write in my blog hosted in and its timeline shows me a stream of my posts and those of the bloggers/writers I follow. I can even follow other Fediverse accounts.

It does have a (not so) little text box, but I can also write in and publish from Mars Edit, Ulysses, Drafts and many other places. Even this quote and commentary is being written in an iOS shortcut.

And then it also gets cross-posted everywhere.

This is as close to a writing portal as I can imagine.

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 Daring Fireball: From the Annals of Going Back to the Well Way Too Many Times

This seems like a scam you might expect to get away with a few times. Maybe more than a few, if you keep taking the counterfeit iPhones to different stores. But 6,000?

Fool me once…. Fool me 6.000 times…

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 Daring Fireball: From the Annals of Going Back to the Well Way Too Many Times

This seems like a scam you might expect to get away with a few times. Maybe more than a few, if you keep taking the counterfeit iPhones to different stores. But 6,000?

Fool me once…. Fool me 6.000 times…

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 Daring Fireball: At the Behest of Russia, Apple Has Purged Nearly 100 VPN Apps From the App Store

The correct criticism to target at Apple is that this is the best argument against the App Store as the sole distribution channel of software for iOS. VPN software is still available for the Mac in Russia, and, I presume, is still available via sideloading for Android phones. When you create a choke point, you can be choked.

AndI that’s exactly what the DMA is trying to do in the EU: release the choke hold.

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 Daring Fireball: At the Behest of Russia, Apple Has Purged Nearly 100 VPN Apps From the App Store

The correct criticism to target at Apple is that this is the best argument against the App Store as the sole distribution channel of software for iOS. VPN software is still available for the Mac in Russia, and, I presume, is still available via sideloading for Android phones. When you create a choke point, you can be choked.

AndI that’s exactly what the DMA is trying to do in the EU: release the choke hold.

Thank the author and go visit the site.

Tonight’s VP-wannabe debate will be an interesting match between two different styles of political propaganda: Classic Wishful Thinking vs Modern Shameless Lying.



🔗 A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen (1879) | Books & Boots

So she’s leaving. Now. Taking only her own possessions. ‘I don’t want anything of yours, either now or later.’ This is all incredibly sudden and brutally final. In a set piece passage Torvald accuses her of forgetting her ‘most sacred duty, to her husband and children’. And Nora, in a rebuttal which has had feminists leaping to their feet and cheering for nearly a century and a half, replies:

‘I have another duty equally sacred … My duty to myself!‘ (p.82)

Captivating summary of a masterpiece.

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 P&B: Justin Duke – Manu

I feel pretty confident that without blogging, I would have never broken into the industry the way that I did; and then, without blogging, I would have never made the social connections requisite to start Buttondown and have it be as successful as it is.

Reading Manuel’s People & Blogs series is always a delight. So is this one about Justin Duke and, particularly, his blog recommendations.

Thank the author and go visit the site.

🔗 AI hosting platform surpasses 1 million models for the first time | Ars Technica

The machine-learning field represents a far bigger world than just large language models (LLMs) like the kind that power ChatGPT. In a post on X, Hugging Face CEO Clément Delangue wrote about how his company hosts many high-profile AI models, like "Llama, Gemma, Phi, Flux, Mistral, Starcoder, Qwen, Stable diffusion, Grok, Whisper, Olmo, Command, Zephyr, OpenELM, Jamba, Yi," but also "999,984 others."

I’m just starting to scratch these concepts and I’m in a honeymoon phase. I find this so fascinating.

Thanks, Benj Edwards

🔗 Separated by a Common Language: analogous

To see how common this pronunciation is, I looked to YouGlish, which finds a word in YouTube videos (using the automatic transcription), classifies them by country, and presents them so that you can listen to that word pronounced by lots of people in lots of contexts.

Huh. This looks like a cool tool. Thanks.

🔗 Separated by a Common Language: crochet, boondoggle, scoubidou

The instructor started by warning to always ascertain the provenance of a crochet pattern before embarking on it because the US and UK terminology differ in potentially disastrous ways. In the take-home materials, we were given two charts. One spells out the differences in names of stitches. What's called single crochet _in AmE is _double crochet _in BrE—with (orig. BrE) knock-on effects for other stitches. So, AmE _double is BrE treble, AmE half-double is BrE half-treble, and AmE triple treble is BrE double treble

As much as I love the English language and the differences between American and British English, I’ve decided that I’m going to learn “ganchillo” in Spanish (from Spain, that is, go figure how it is in South, Central, North American and Caribbean Spanish).

Today, for the first time in years, my phone lived up to my expectations. I had a draft ready for filing in court and I was waiting for a document from my client. When I received the document, I was able to fetch the draft from my iCloud Files, finish it and export it to a pdf from the Microsoft Office 365 app, digitally sign the pdf with ‎Firm@ fetch my Court agent’s email from my ‎OmniFocus 4 task and send them the brief with the document to have it filed in court three days before the deadline. That’s been cool.

And now I’m publishing this from my phone, too.

I can’t believe I’m up to date in my RSS feeds.