I was tempted by a few youtube shorts and I decided to watch Game Of Thrones all over again. So here we go. Season 1, Episode 1. The journey begins and, of course, winter is coming. 🍿


Does it occur to you that a typo on an otherwise well edited book ruins the experience and distracts you so badly that you find it difficult to keep on reading? I started an illustrated edition of On Natural Selection by Darwin and one letter missing on the first page is making me crazy. #thoughts


A poster features a woman raising a flag for International Women's Day events scheduled for March 8-9, detailing times and locations.
Spanish: Un cartel muestra a una mujer alzando una bandera para los eventos del Día Internacional de la Mujer, programados para el 8-9 de marzo, detallando horarios y lugares.
Basque: Kartel batek emakume bat ageri du martxoaren 8-9rako antolatutako Nazioarteko Emakumeen Eguneko ekitaldietarako bandera altxatzen, ordutegiak eta lekuak zehazten.


Friday afternoon

For a while now, Friday afternoons are my only free time of the week. I’ve needing to work full time on Saturdays and Sundays for quite some time and I don’t see that changing in the near future. But today is the day I nap until I no longer remember where I am. I thought I would not make it. See you later, if I wake up. #thoughts

Akita Toriyama (1955-2024)

Vita brevis, ars longa.

A smiling man with glasses against a plain background.
Spanish: Un hombre sonriendo con gafas contra un fondo plano.
Basque: Irribarre egiten ari den gizon bat betaurrekoekin atzealde lau baten kontra. An animated character with spiky black hair, smiling, wearing a red gi with a black belt, and blue wristbands and shoes, is posing energetically against a white background.
Spanish: Un personaje animado con pelo negro y puntiagudo, sonriendo, vestido con un gi rojo con cinturón negro, y muñequeras y zapatos azules, posa enérgicamente sobre un fondo blanco.
Basque: Ile beltz zorrotzadun pertsonaia animatu bat, irribarretsu, gi gorri bat eta gerriko beltzarekin, eta urdinak diren eskumuturrekoak eta oinetakoak jantzita, atzeko fondo zurian energia handiz posatzen ari da.

#geekery #art

Exclusive offer

Going through my spam folder right before cleaning it up, it still amazes me that reputable firms in my line of business send email offerings stating a «Exclusive offer just for you!». The contents of the email are nothing but exclusive and the emphatic language is just poor taste. I really can’t imagine anybody taking the bait. #thoughts

App store scam?

It’s the second time in a few days that, as soon as I enter the App Store app on my iPhone, it offers me to install Tik Tok. Not just the add, but a sheet asking me if I want to install it. I may have accidentally clicked on something, but I really don’t think so. Has anybody noticed the same thing? Can it be some ad abuse or scam? #geekery


I want to focus on the good thing of the day. It’s taking me a while to think about them. I guess it’s easier for me to whine, I practice bitching and moaning more.

Two clients told me that they liked my work, after sending them the arguments I presented in court on their behalf. An important part of my job, since the outcome of a trial is not entirely in my hands, is that my clients feel that I did everything I could to defend them.

I did progress a little in the research that I’m stuck with. I still don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel (you’re whining again, Estebantxo!) but i’m getting there.

I had a delicious bocadillo for dinner. Thinly sliced and roasted chicken breast, Piquillo red peppers, Argelian sauce, on a toasted baguette.

I’m going to bed. That’s the best part.

Thank you for giving us micro.blog, @jean.

"Good things come in small packages." That was my first post on Micro.blog, 7 years ago today.

I wrote it to be cute, but over time, I learned to believe in the power of small:

Ever since I became the community manager of Micro.blog, I’ve developed an appreciation for the beauty of going “micro”: microposts, microcasts, micro meetups, microcosms of interesting humans interacting online on a human scale. (“Micro All The Things”; posted Nov. 30 2019)


I am quite impressed by the automatic transcription of podcasts on the Apple Podcasts app. That this is the highlight of the day does not speak very well of my achievements today. Anyway, that’s that. #thoughts

🚀 It’s Time to Give Up on Everything but Email – Manu

In all seriousness, if in 2024 you’re using one single email address for everything that’s a you problem, not an email problem. Also, Ian, let me ask you a question: what’s the alternative here? Do we all move to Slack/Discord/Teams? Do we all move everything to DMs? Do you think that’s a better solution?

There’s a reason why emails are still here. They’re still here because they work. Is email perfect? No. Is there a better alternative? Also no.

I wholeheartedly agree with Manu. Separating work and personal email is easy enough. And filters are necessary to manage subscriptions and other types of messages, but with a minimum setup, email can be tamed. #thoughts

I keep Cabify and Ubers apps on my phone for impractical and melancholic reasons. I can’t use them at home, but I keep dreaming with traveling to countries where public officials are not sequestered by the taxi lobby. #thoughts

I don’t even have time to catch a cold. #thoughts

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live

Come on, people, you didn’t tell me Rick and Michonne were back!!!

Two serious-looking individuals stand against a fiery backdrop, with text The Walking Dead - THE ONES WHO LIVE dominating the bottom


I am pissed by SCOTUS’ 9-0 decision regarding Colorado’s ruling on the application of the 14th Amendment to Trump. I’m sure the progressive justices did what they thought was right. The problem is the conservative ones will never do the same. They will always find according to what the conservative agenda needs. Just like the Massachusetts Secretary, any official or court deciding on a local or state ballot should be able to decide that a former officer who engages in or gives comfort to insurrection is ineligible. #thoughts

🚀 Internet gardening | James' Coffee Blog

A few months ago, someone referred to be as an "internet gardener." This title has stuck in my head ever since. I often note that I love tinkering with my website. Whereas some people garden plants, I garden the web. I write the thoughts on my mind. Sometimes, these are technical. Other times, whimsical. Other times, emotional; the result of months of contemplation and years of processing. I experiment with new ideas (plants); when I am out of ideas, I try a new plant.

This is exactly my plan for this blog. I want to document here a fellow gardener that shows me the way. #thoughts

🚀 Hiro Report - Hiro.Report - 03MAR2024

Happy Sunday, everyone! We have a short and (hopefully) sweet one this week:

A new report by [@hiro](https://micro.blog/hiro) and it is, as always, full of goodies. You don’t wanna miss it and you do want to spread the word. #geekery


I closed February and planned the first two weeks of March today. It’s quite overwhelming. A few projects that needed to end in February did not, and they crawl into March menacing the projects that have mid-month deadlines. Still, I think I managed to identify two big rocks and several smaller ones for this week, so as long as nothing new shows up (which will prove to be a futile dream my Monday noon) everything should be OK.

Since I’ve activated my micro.blog ActivityPub user, replies sent from Mastodon to my posts show up both in the micro.blog timeline and like comments in my blogs' posts. I can reply to them from the timeline and they show back in Mastodon. This is exactly what I wanted. I can stay in my blog and in micro.blog and know that I can interact with people in Mastodon, and these interactions are not lost because they are recorded in my blogs, where they belong. #geekery #thoughts

One more step

Into a simpler digital life. More focused on blogging and slower, more meaningful interactions.

I redirected my three different Mastodon accounts to my ActivityPub user in micro.blog. So the people that followed me in Mastodon are now following my micro.blog persona. I did not import the follows I had over there. I only want to keep my micro.blog follows and every new acquaintance will come organically from there. I deactivated my Twitter/X account. It’s not the first time, in the past I have always reactivated it because I didn’t want to loose the user handle, but that’s not very important any more, so we’ll see if Twitter/X is gone for good. After 16 years, 14 of them very intense. The friends I made there, I hope, will know how to reach me.

I’m keeping LinkedIn for now. It’s not very demanding and I always find value in the professional stuff that people share over there.

So the plan is to stick to my blogs for writing and NetNewsWire for reading. Interactions will come, hopefully, more and more via email. And if anybody reaches out to me in the micro.blog timeline, that’s a peaceful place, too. So all is good.